Friday, April 22, 2011

DeMeco Ryans Scholarship Opportunity

Letter from the desk of DeMeco Ryans:

As an advocate for education, it is my desire to lend a helping hand to youth from my hometown. I have implemented a scholarship program for the graduating seniors of Bessemer City High School and other surrounding areas schools. The DeMeco Ryans Foundation Scholarship Program will award (10) ten $1,000 scholarships to assist students in their educational endeavors.

We are searching for students that are truly in need and meet the scholarship criteria. Applicants will be notified by Monday, May 23rd on the status of their application. Scholarships will be presented during the Annual DeMeco Ryans Football Camp in June 2011.

Students must meet the following criteria and submit the following information to be eligible for the

Applicants must complete scholarship application in its entirety, along with supporting
documents, to Mrs. Fredrica Nelson-Fortune at Bessemer City High School on Monday, May
16th by 4pm.
If the form is incomplete, inaccurate, or not signed, it will not be considered.
• Applicants must be graduating high school seniors from Bessemer City High School or
surrounding areas and have a 3.0 or above G.P.A.
• Applicants must already be accepted to a 4-year college/university (and have proof in the form
of an official letter on letterhead from the university)
• Applicants must provide the following supporting documents:
o An official school transcript
o (2) Two letters of recommendation (at least one from a teacher or counselor)
o A personal essay (700 words or less) describing your educational goals and how this
scholarship will help you achieve those goals
o An official letter of acceptance (on letterhead) from a 4-year college/university
• Applicants must be able to show up on the date of the June 2011 Summer Football Camp to
claim their monetary gift from the foundation.
• Applicants must be able to be filmed and photographed by media for documentation purposes.

We look forward to reviewing your application. For questions or concerns, please send an email to or or call 205.432.3789.

Best Regards,

DeMeco Ryans, Founder

Contact The Guide for more information or to obtain the application.

2011 Summer Youth Action Camp

Join The Gulfsouth Youth Action Corps For A One-Of-A-Kind Service And Leadership Experience!

Make the most of your summer and join Operation REACH’s Gulfsouth Summer Youth Action Camp for a one-of-a-kind summer service learning experience. GYAC is a 7-week camp held from June 6th – July 15th from 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM at Wilkerson Middle School for rising 6th – 9th graders.

For those between the ages of 17 and 25, you can apply today to become a counselor and corps member.  The GYAC Summer corps gives students and teens in the Greater Birmingham Area access to valuable and life-changing summer enrichment programs.

Through your service as a Corps Member you will:
*    Make a difference in the lives of young people
*    Get valuable, hands-on work experience
*    Internship opportunities available
*    Receive an $1,242 living stipend and a $1,415 education award for quarter-time  
Interested in your child participating in GYAC?  Please fax, mail or bring completed forms and a copy of your child’s birth certificate to:

Monique McKinstry-Shorts
109 Columbiana Road
Birmingham, AL 35209

Attention YSPs:  Operation REACH has announced the availability of additional AmeriCorps resources to engage, empower, and inspire community-focused youth leadership in the southern region of the US.  This opportunity is available to non-profit or other organizations that need volunteers/camp counselors to assist in their summer programs. 

Youth Service Organizations interested in participating in the GYAC AmeriCorps 2011 Summer of Service should complete the attached GYAC AmeriCorps application and submit to Monique McKinstry-Shorts at Technical assistance in completing the application is available upon request.

For questions about the GSYAC, contact Monique McKinstry Shorts at (205) 705-3273 or visit

Beta Kappa Boulé of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Scholarship

The Beta Kappa Boulé of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity is pleased to announce this year’s scholarship offering.

The scholarship is targeted to groups who are traditionally underrepresented in higher education, including African American males. We will award a total of 5 - $1,000 one-time scholarships to graduating seniors to attend college for the 2011-2012 semesters. Applications are due May 1, 2011.  Applicants must provide proof of acceptance to college in order for scholarships to be awarded (a copy of an acceptance letter must be attached to application).

Scholarship criteria:
Ø       The attached application must be completed and received by May 1, 2011
Ø       Minority seniors must have GPA of 2.75 accumulative (attach official HS transcript to application)
Ø       Must obtain 2- letters of recommendation from a counselor, principal, pastor or community leaders (Recommendation letter must be attached to application)
Ø       A typed 300 – word essay on why it is important to “Think BIG and Dream BIGGER”.  Describe how learning to think by way of education relates to dream achievement.  Make it personal, thus incorporate your educational and dream desires.
Ø       Demonstrate good character
Ø       Active civic and community involvement (past or current)

Interviews for the scholarships will be held May 14, 2011.  Selection of winners will be made by May 16, 2011.  Awards will be presented at the Awards Banquet held on June 4, 2011. 

Selections for the scholarships will be made on the basis of: (1) academic record, (2) leadership skills in school and community activities, (3) personal qualities that reflect maturity and readiness for success in college, and (4) their 300-word essay.

 Interested in your child applying for this scholarship?  

Return applications to the following address:

Sigma Phi Pi Beta Kappa Boulé
105 Kingston Ridge, Birmingham, AL 35211

For more information about the Beta Kappa Boulé of Sigma Pi Phi, visit www.betakappaBoulé.com/p1.htm

Need additional assistance, contact The Guide today.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

UAB Summer Bridge Program for Business Students

The Summer Bridge Program for Business Students is a seven-week rewarding academic opportunity for minority high school seniors who will be graduating, have been admitted to and are planning to attend UAB, and will major in business. Selection for this program is competitive.

Program Details
Selected program participants are required to enroll in three credit courses at UAB - one English course, one Mathematics course, and one Physical Science course – all of which count toward their bachelor’s degree in business at UAB. These students receive tuition for the term, free textbooks, a meal allowance and a free room in a UAB residence hall. * Please note that all students are required to live in the residence hall to participate. Additionally, students receive a $700 stipend for successful program participation, with an opportunity to receive an additional academic achievement stipend of up to $900, based on academic performance during the program.

SUPER Emerging Scholars Program

The SUPER Emerging Scholars (SES) program is an expansion of AHF's mission to serve the public. This program directly fosters opportunities for high-school students to examine the significance of their own cultural values and meanings through in-depth studies of literature, history and the arts. By equipping participants, called Emerging Scholars, with necessary critical thinking and writing skills in the humanities, they will be inspired to explore human values and meanings through academic scholarship.

SES institutes are weeklong residential workshops that offer specialized academic enrichment in the humanities. The institutes will assist upper-level high-school students in the development of writing and critical thinking skills necessary for success in secondary and post-secondary education.

Applicant Eligibility:
The program is open to rising sophomore, junior and senior high-school students in Alabama.

SUPER Emerging Scholars @ Auburn University • Auburn • July 17-23
SUPER Emerging Scholars @ Alabama State University • Montgomery • June 12-18
SUPER Emerging Scholars @ the University of South Alabama • Mobile • June 19–25

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Birmingham Airport Authority

The Birmingham Airport Authority (BAA) invites students, age 16-18 who are residents of airport area communities and attendees of either Huffman or Woodlawn High Schools in Birmingham, Alabama to apply.

The four week work program includes hands on workplace experience and professional development. The ideal candidate should have a “B” average, regular attendance, and no disciplinary records at school.

Summer workers are required to wear a designated uniform, which consists of a t-shirt and hat provided by the BAA, blue jeans or khakis. A work boot is preferred, but tennis shoes are allowed. Open toed and open backed shoes are not allowed such as sandals, flip flops, mules, slides, etc.


The hourly pay is $8.50.

Dates of Work Program:
·  Session I June 6, 2011  thru  July 1, 2011
·  Session II July 5, 2011  thru  July 29, 2011

Deadline to apply is March 25, 2011

Individuals may apply online at:

Contact The Guide for more information.

The 2011 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major for Justice

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major for Justice Advocacy Competition is a contest designed to motivate high school students to excel in education. The Competition encourages students to express their views on a pre-selected topic and focuses on the ability of the students to communicate orally and in writing. The contest is also designed to give young people experience in public speaking and provides an opportunity for them to obtain some financial support to continue their education.

2011 MLK Competition Question
On March 1, 2010, President Barack Obama challenged States to identify high schools with critically low graduation rates below 60% and implement programs to increase the rate. This is an imperative call to action. We must address this problem.

"The Administration has committed $3.5 billion to fund transformational changes in America’s persistently low-performing schools. Additionally, the President’s 2011 budget includes $900 million to support School Turnaround Grants. President Obama also emphasized the importance of investing in dropout prevention and recovery strategies to help make learning more engaging and relevant for students, and announced new efforts to invest $100 million in a College Pathways program to promote a college readiness culture in high schools, through programs that allow students to earn a high school diploma and college credit at the same time." Source: White House Website (

If Dr. King were alive today, what specific NEW solution(s) and NEW program(s) would he recommend that YOUR state implement and the Obama Administration fund? Specifically explain why the proposed new solutions and programs should be adopted?

A. Essay Format:
1. The essay should be no longer than 1,000 words.
2. The type font must be Arial, 12 point, double-spaced.
3. The margins shall be 1” and text shall be fully justified.
4. The essay may be submitted via e-mail or U.S. mail, but e-mail is preferred.
a. If submitted via e-mail, the Contestant must send the essay as an attachment to an e-mail in Word format and send to the Regional Director for your region, or the e-mail address indicated by the Regional Director. E-mail addresses are also available on the NBA website.
b. If submitted by mail, the essay must be typewritten and mailed to the Regional Director for your region, or to the address indicated by the Regional Director. Mailing addresses can be found at

Alabama, Florida & Georgia
L. Chris Stewart
191 Peachtree Street, Suite 4200
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 965-8827 (O)
Essay Deadline: April 23, 2011
Regional Competition: May 28, 2011

Visit the website at for more information.

Visit the following link for additional rules and regulations:

Feel free to contact The Guide to Scholarships if you need any assistance.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Angela Murphy Scholarship

The Black Women in Sport Foundation is currently offering 1 annual scholarship to current high school seniors planning to enroll in a matriculating college/university program.

The Angela Murphy Scholarship - $500. This scholarship is given to a graduating high school senior that is enrolled in a matriculated college program.  She must have participated in her high school athletic program and been involved in community service.

To apply, please email a cover letter, resume, and transcripts to, or mail to
PO Box 2610
Philadelphia, PA 19130

Contact The Guide to Scholarships for help today.

BISA Scholarship

For the past 29 years, Black Women In Sisterhood For Action, Inc. has been operating a successful scholarship program targeted for inner-city and financially needy young black high school women to attend colleges and universities across America. First criterion for selection is financial need, second, they demonstrate potential for academic growth and leadership and third, they are able to provide some clues about their career goals. BISA's scholarship assistance program is clearly targeted for disenfranchised and economically disadvantaged young black women, beginning in the year they graduate from high school and continuing for 2 to 4 years of undergraduate education.

BISA's supportive services (hands-on-approach) are provided for each student over the entire two or four years of undergraduate study. These services include: financial support, books, transportation, tutoring, mentoring, counseling (students and parents), networking among distinguished black women, on-site-visits, BISA's books and calendars of distinguished black women, and monthly contacts by assigned BISA member. Each student is provided a 1-800 number for easy access to BISA on a 24-hour basis.

Deadline: March 31, 2011

Click here for the scholarship application.

Click here for the application instructions. 

Criteria: Academic Achievement, Leadership Potential, Financial Need, Honors, and
Potential for Academic Growth and Leadership Development

Document to be submitted:
(1) Transcript
(2) SAT or ACT Scores
(3) Parent's Income Tax Submission to IRS (with W-2 Statement), and Financial Aid Award Letter
(4) Written Self-Portrait: Two typed double spaced pages or one single spaced page -- highlighting where you expect to be in your career development in 10 years from now. (Please tell us who you are, including your family).


Contact The Guide if you need help with anything.

John M. Will and Hearin Chandler Journalism Scholarships

The John M. Will Memorial Scholarship Foundation will award two or more college scholarships, the John M. Will Memorial Scholarship(s) and the Hearing Chandler Journalism Scholarship.  The recipients will be announced on April 18, 2011 for the 2011-2012 academic school year. One scholarship of $5,000 and one or more scholarships of up to $4,000 will be given in memory of John M. Will, an education reporter for the Mobile Press Register, and a $5,000 scholarship will be given by the Hearin-Chandler Foundation, a charitable foundation with deep roots in Mobile Journalism. Please note that the scholarship will only be awarded to a student perusing a career in Journalism.

Applications are invited from high school seniors and college students who have evidenced a interest in perusing a career in journalism.  Applications are also invited from those already employed in the journalism field who wish to further their journalistic education through graduate study of extended courses of instruction.

Completed applications with supporting documents (transcript and letter of recommendation, and writing or photographic samples) must be postmarked before on or before Friday, March 25, 2011, and send to Brandon Hughey at Post Office Box 290, Mobile, AL 36601. Persons who submit an application will be considered for all schoarlaships to be awarded.
Applicants who are selected as finalists will be notified on April 8, 2011 and should be prepared to attend an interview with the committee on April 18, 2011.

Click here for a copy of the application and further instructions.

Have questions? Need assistance? Contact The Guide to Scholarships today.

Stonewall Jackson Memorial Fund Repayable Scholarship Program

The Stonewall Jackson Memorial Fund was established in 1955 by an act of the Alabama Legislature to “...memorialize that great American and Confederate general, ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, through a program of education...” consisting of essay contests and repayable scholarships. The fund is used to award several repayable scholarships each year. The scholarship functions as a repayable no-interest loan which must be repaid after graduation from college. One year after graduation recipients will be contacted to repay the scholarship amount under a scheduled repayment system set up by the individual.

In order to qualify applicants must submit an essay of 1,500 - 2,500 words on a topic or issue that relates to the life of Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson. A bibliography of sources must accompany the essay, but is not to be included in determining the length of the essay Applicants must also submit an application form with necessary personal information.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Annie J. Benifield-Jimmie L. Elliott Scholarship Fund

The Annie J. Benifield-Jimmie L. Elliott Scholarship Fund, administered through New
Community Baptist Church, will award four (4) $500 scholarships to high school
seniors who demonstrate leadership in community, and school activities.

You may apply if you will be pursuing an undergraduate course of study at an
accredited university or college.

The requirements are:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Math and Science Scholarships

ExxonMobil and Dr. Bernard Harris strongly believe that education is key to progress, development and economic growth in our country. Together, they have developed a partnership to increase awareness about the need for more math and science graduates, especially among underrepresented populations. This scholarship is their latest effort to support students who plan to pursue math‐ and science‐related degrees.

Four scholarships for two boys and two girls, with a value of $5,000 each, will be awarded to two African American and two Hispanic students currently completing their senior year of high school in a member district of the Council of the Great City Schools (see list of member districts on attachment). Applicants must be accepted for full‐time enrollment at a four‐ year college or university in the next academic year, and pursuing a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Phi Iota Omega Chapter Scholarship

The Phi Iota Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is awarding $6,000 in scholarships to deserving Birmingham metropolitan area students.  

The scholarships are awarded in four $1,000 Merit Academic scholarships and four $500 Community Service scholarships to college bound seniors. 

Their goal is to award scholarships on academic merit and community service to those students who have earned the best academic credentials and provided outstanding service to the community.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Birmingham Architectural Foundation Scholarship Program

The Birmingham Architectural Foundation awards scholarships to eligible and deserving students in the following categories:
1. High school students entering freshman year of an accredited architecture program
2. College students entering the first year of an accredited architecture program (students may be transferring from a junior or technical college program, or may be enrolled in an architecture program that commences after the freshman year)
3. College students continuing in an accredited B Arch or M Arch program
4. Post-graduate students entering the first year of an accredited M Arch program

All eligible programs must be accredited by the National Architectural Accreditation Board (complete

American Society of Civil Engineers

2011 Scholarship
1. Must attend a civil engineering program at an Alabama University/College that is accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology - Engineering Accreditation Commission (ABET-EAC).
2. Is in a position to accept the scholarship in year awarded.
3. Is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S.
4. Must be a high school graduating senior entering freshman year of college.
5. Must complete this application by the deadline and submit all the required information on this
application form. Additional pages will not be considered.

To be accepted for judging, all applications must be submitted electronically or April 2, 2011 to:
postmarked by 
Susan Goertz
2220 Vanessa Dr
Birmingham, AL 35242-4430

Click HERE for application.


American Association of Blacks in Energy Scholarship

The American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) is a professional organization of African Americans in the energy industry.  Through its Scholarship Program, AABE seeks to help increase the number of African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans (underrepresented minorities) in energy related fields.  By doing so, we help our nation address a critical need and a challenge to our future economic vitality in the world market. 

Candidates for an AABE scholarship must meet the following eligibility criteria:
· Have, minimally, an overall “B” academic average and a “B” average in mathematics and science courses(3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale).
· Be a graduating high school senior who has applied to one or more accredited colleges/universities.
· Plan to major in business, engineering, technology, mathematics or physical science fields.
· Demonstrate financial need, if selected as a candidate for the National Scholarship process.
· Be a member of one of the underrepresented minority groups (African American, Hispanic or Native American) in the sciences and related areas of technology.

The Birmingham Chapter of AABE will award its Premier Scholarship in the amount of $5,000.  The top winner’s application is forwarded to compete for a Southeast Regional Award of $3,000 (The Southeast Region is one of six AABE Regions).  Additionally, a Premier Award of $5,000 is given annually to the candidate who is judged to demonstrate the most outstanding achievement and promise.  National Awards are made to the students upon presentation of proof of enrollment at an accredited college or university.  Distribution of local chapter awards are made at the discretion of the local chapter upon proof of enrollment at an accredited college or university. 

The Application Package
Consideration will be given only to candidates submitting complete application packages which include: (1) a completed AABE application form (copies are acceptable); (2) a high school transcript; (3) official proof of ACT or SAT scores; (4) two letters of reference; (5) parent(s)/ guardian(s) please provide one of the following official verifications of income:  copy of a signed Previous Year’s tax return or a verified FAFSA form; and (6) a completed checklist.  Please redact Social Security Numbers from any documents.

 In lieu of mailing, complete application packages may also be scanned and emailed (by the due date) to the following email address: or .

NOTE:  Files larger than 2.5 MB may need to be zipped or reduced to ensure delivery.


Complete application packages MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MARCH 11, 2011 and submitted to the local AABE Chapter listed below.  Applications returned to the AABE National Office or the National Scholarship Committee are in violation of procedures and will not be considered for scholarship support.

Click HERE for the application.

Mail application to:
American Association of Blacks in Energy - Birmingham Chapter
Attn:  Scholarship Committee
P. O. Box 3035
Birmingham, AL  35202

Troy University Foundation Scholarship Application

Interested in attending Troy University?

This may just be the application for you.

Click HERE.

Return to:
Foundation Scholarships
Admissions Office
Troy University
Troy, AL 36082



Alabama Leadership Bankers Essay Scholarship

The purpose of the Alabama Leadership Bankers Essay Scholarship is to educate students on economic education and how it affects them in their personal lives.

Essay Topic
“Three Things Every High School Graduate Should Know About Personal Finance”

Participant Qualifications
1. Must be a high school senior.
2. Must have knowledge of good money management skills (knowledge of decision-making related to spending and saving, investing, use of credit, etc.).
3. Applicants are selected by the schools at their own discretion.

Judging Criteria

The essays will be judged on the following five elements:
• Comprehension--How well does the essay reflect a thorough comprehension of the issues involved in the essay topic?
• Organization--Does the argument follow a logical and easily understood progression? Does corroborating evidence
suppose the essay’s main points?
• Conclusions--Do the conclusions follow logically from the argument? How compelling are the conclusions?
• Creativity--Use of diverse resources, including interviews. Creative angle on the issue.
• Writing--Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation. Concise language.

The weight of each element will be based as follows:
20% Comprehension
20% Organization
20% Conclusions
20% Creativity
20% Writing

A $1000 scholarship will be presented to the winning essay from within the state.

Essays should arrive no later than May 1, 2011. Any essay that arrives after that date will not be accepted.

Click HERE for application.

More Information
You may copy this form as needed. You can also download this form from The Alabama Bankers Association website at For more information, contact the Association office at (334) 834-1890 or by email at the following email address:


Alabama Home Builders Foundation Scholarship Program

The Foundation awards scholarships to deserving men and women who want to pursue careers in the home building industry. College and technical school students, who are enrolled in residential construction-related curricula, may be eligible for Alabama Home Builders Foundation scholarships.

For more information or to receive a scholarship application, contact the Home Builders Association of Alabama at 800.745.4222, mail your request to P.O. Box 241305, Montgomery, AL 36124, or follow the link at the bottom of this page to download a copy. You can also send a request to

Applicants must meet all of the following requirements:

1) Must be a resident of Alabama
2) Must be enrolling in, or attending, a junior college, technical school or university in Alabama
3) Must be enrolled in a construction-related curriculum
4) Application must be postmarked by March 15 and sent to:

Alabama Home Builders Foundation
P.O. Box 241305
Montgomery, AL 36124

Click HERE for the application.


Abbott & Fenner Scholarship Program

Abbott & Fenner are committed to continuing our efforts at helping those who have the desire and ambition to succeed.

The winner(s) of this annual scholarship will receive their award within 2 weeks of the listed deadline. All applicants should include their full name and mailing address with their submissions.



  • The A&F Scholarships are available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any accredited post secondary institution.
Application Procedure for 2011

To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on the topic below. The essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. Your submissions must be sent to us by email at:

• What have you done outside of the classroom that demonstrates qualities sought after by universities or other educational facilities? Of these, which means the most to you? 


Alabama Broadcasters Association Scholarship Program

By endorsing quality education of potential broadcasters, the members of the Alabama Broadcasters Association believe they are guaranteeing the future of quality broadcasting in Alabama. Toward that goal, the Alabama Broadcasters Association Educational Foundation was established to fund scholarships for promising students in colleges and universities across the state.

The purpose of the foundation is to encourage a higher standard of professionalism in the industry, foster a stronger relationship between higher education and the profession, promote a greater understanding of ethics and societal responsibility of broadcasters, and support potential and commitment in promising future broadcasters.
Five students will be named recipients of ABA Scholarships for Fall 2011. Each will receive $3,000 to be applied to tuition as they pursue degrees in broadcast communications and broadcast engineering.
Completed applications must reach the Alabama Broadcasters Association Educational Foundation (at the ABA office) no later than April 29. Scholarship recipients will be announced in May.

The completed application must reach ABAEF (at the ABA) no later than April 29, 2011.

Applicants should meet the following criteria:
•    Must be legal resident of Alabama and must apply personally
•    Must be pursuing a major or minor course of study in broadcasting/communications
•    Must be attending any two or four-year Alabama college or university
•    Must demonstrate the intention of entering broadcast communication as his/her life’s work
•    Must be a rising junior or senior if attending a four year college or university.
•    Must not have received any ABA scholarships in the past
•    Maintain a grade point average of 3.0 on a 4 point scale or equivalent
•    Submit a letter from the department head certifying that the applicant has a reasonable chance of successfully completing the course of instruction.

Click HERE for application.


Minority Rural Health Pipeline Program

The Minority Rural Health Pipeline Program (MRHPP) is a five week summer program for recent high school graduates who plan to enter college in the next academic year. The students spend five weeks on the campus of The University of Alabama. They take a course (CH 101-General Chemistry with lab), attend tutorials, seminars, field trips to rural medical facilities and shadow African-American physicians. This program was initiated to increase the number minority students from rural Alabama who qualify for admission to medical school through the Rural Medical Scholars Program.

**Academic Opportunities
**Residential Opportunities 
**Leisure/Social Opportunities

How do I apply?
Print the application and instructions from the website.  Complete the application, sign it, and mail it along with your letters of recommendation, a transcript, a copy of your ACT/SAT scores and your essay to the address given in the instructions essay.

What are the requirements to apply?
  • Will graduate from high school this school term
  • Have a “B” average (3.0/4.0) and earned at least 20 on the ACT or 950 on SAT
  • Reside in one of the black counties  
  • Been a resident of Alabama for at least eight years
  • Have a desire to return to your community or one similar to your community when you have completed your studies   
All materials (including application, test scores, and recommendations) should be in one envelope and be postmarked on or before March 15.

Application HERE

If you have further questions please contact Cynthia Moore at or 205-348-3116 or Irene Wallace at or 205-348-5892.


Mercedes Benz Scholarship Program

The Mercedes-Benz U.S. International Scholarship Program has been established by Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc. (MBUSI) to assist Alabama high school seniors and dependent children of MBUSI Team Members who plan to continue education in college or vocational school programs. Scholarships are offered each year for full- time study at an accredited institution of the student’s choice.

This scholarship program is administered by Scholarship Management Services, a department of Scholarship America. Scholarship America is a national nonprofit educational support and student aid service organization that seeks to involve and assist the private sector in expanding educational opportunities and encouraging educational achievement. Awards are granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, gender, disability, or national origin.


Applicants to the Mercedes-Benz U.S. International Scholarship Program must be -

•    High school seniors from the following areas in Alabama: Jefferson County and Tuscaloosa County, who plan to enroll in a full-time* undergraduate course of study at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school by the fall term following the application period.


•    High school seniors who are dependent children of full-time Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc. Team Members who plan to enroll in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school by the fall term following the application period. Dependent children are defined as natural and legally adopted children or stepchildren living in the Team Member’s household and primarily supported by the Team Member. Children of Management Team members are not eligible.


Interested students must complete the application and mail it along with a current, complete official transcript of grades to Scholarship America postmarked no later than March 15. On-line transcripts and grade reports are not acceptable. Applicants will receive acknowledgment of receipt of their application. If an acknowledgment card is not received within three weeks, applicants may call Scholarship America to verify that the application has been received.

Applicants are responsible for gathering and submitting all necessary information. Applications are evaluated on the information supplied; therefore, answer all questions as completely as possible. All information received is considered confidential and is reviewed only by Scholarship America.

Click HERE for the application.


Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund

Deadline: March 31, 2010

Janice M. Scott lost her life on September 11, 2001 when flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. Six $2,500 scholarships are available to seniors who will graduate in 2010. The selection process involves four means of evaluation: need, academics, community service, and writing skill. An application, transcript, two letters of recommendation, FAFSA, Senior Picture, and essay must be submitted.

Mail the complete application packet so that it is received or postmarked on or before the deadline date of March 31, 2011.
Click HERE to access the application. 

For more information, contact


Riverview Orthodontics, P.C. Scholarship

Riverview Orthodontics, P.C. is promoting continuing education and encourage their patients to strive for excellence. They have established a scholarship in the amount of $500.00 to help with the financial burden of secondary education.

Must be a Senior in the Class of 2011
Scholarship Application Form;
Scholastic Standing;
Evidence of Leadership and Potential;
Financial Need;
Existing or previous patient of Dr. Mike Upton or Riverview Orthodontics, P.C.

Deadline: March 31, 2010

For more information, contact


The Leon Bradley Scholarship Program

The Leon Bradley Scholarship Program is established to encourage more minorities or persons of color to enter the teaching profession. AASPA believes that it is of benefit for all students to experience diversity among the teachers who serve as role models for our students. Thus, the

American Association of School Personnel Administrators (AASPA)will annually award two scholarships to assist a minority college student seeking their initial teaching certification and/or endorsement. One scholarship will be for $2000 granted for the student's final year, which includes student teaching. The second scholarship will be for $1000 granted for a minority paraprofessional career-changer in his/her final year of teacher preparation.

Checks will be sent directly to the college or university to verify that the applicant is a full-time student and is pursuing a prescribed course of study for initial teacher certification and/or endorsement before applying any money to the costs.

These scholarships will be awarded to a student graduating in May or August 2012.

* Any monies not used for tuition can be applied to any other university-based expenses the student may incur.

• Application materials will be posted on the AASPA website on February 1, 2011 and must be submitted by mail, fax or electronically to AASPA by April 15, 2011.• A letter from the Dean of Education or designated representative, a letter from a character reference and a transcript must be uploaded no later than the application deadline, April 15, 2011.
General Criteria - applicants must meet each criterion.

• Have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better.• Be a high school graduate or equivalent status.• Submit a letter from the Dean of Education or designated representative that the applicant has: ◦ Attained at least junior standing as defined by the institution.◦ Met the required grade point average at the time of application to be eligible for admittance into the teacher education program.◦ Successfully completed all entrance examinations as required by the State and the institution. • Be a minority or person of color in one of the following categories: ◦ American Indian (Native American) or Alaskan Native (A person having origin in any of the original peoples of North America and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.)◦ Asian or Pacific Islander (A person having origin in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent or the Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, China, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands and Samoa.)◦ Black (A person, not of Hispanic origin, who has origin in any of the black racial groups of the original peoples of Africa.)◦ Hispanic (A person, regardless of race, who is of Spanish culture or origin. This includes, for example, persons from Mexico, Central or South America, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Cuba.)

Applicant must reside in these states/provinces or be currently matriculating at a college or university within these states/provinces: California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Hawaii.

*Weighted Criteria - applicants do not have to meet each criterion.
• Work experience that has been applied to college expenses.
• Other scholarship or financial aid support.
• Seeking initial certification and/or endorsement in a state-identified critical area.

*Maintenance Criteria - recipient must meet all requirements.
• Verified enrollment as a full-time student (as defined by the university) during the semesters receiving the scholarship.
• Maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better each semester.
• Continue to be enrolled in a teacher education program and be in good standing with the university as verified by a letter from the Dean of Education or designated representative. 

Click in open positions to view scholarship application.
Due April 15, 2011.

For more information, contact


Alabama Farmers Cooperative, Inc. Scholarship

This scholarship program is for beginning freshmen who would like to work in the Co-op system after graduation.  The scholarships will pay full tuition and fees, with an approximate value of $20,000 per student over the four-year period.  

To be eligible for consideration for the scholarships, the following criteria must be met:  

1)  Applicants must obtain an acceptance letter from the Auburn University Admissions Office or show proof of enrollment.  
2)  Applicants must intend to enter in the College of Agriculture as an Agriculture Economics major or another degree within the College of Agriculture with approved business course options.  
3)  Incoming freshmen applicants must be nominated by a local cooperative in the Alabama Farmers Cooperative system.  

Additional criteria can be found at   

Deadlines vary from May to June.

Go to HARVARD for FREE!!!!

Harvard University Announcement
No Tuition and No Student Loans

Harvard University announced over the weekend that from now on
undergraduate students from low-income families will pay no tuition. In
making the announcement, Harvard's president Lawrence H. Summers said,
"When only ten percent of the students in elite higher education come
from families in the lower half of the income distribution, we are not
doing enough. We are not doing enough in bringing elite higher education
to the lower half of the income distribution."

If you know of a family earning less than $60,000 a year with an honor
student graduating from high school soon, Harvard University wants to
pay their tuition. The prestigious university recently announced that from
now on undergraduate students from low-income families can go to Harvard
for free... No tuition and no student loans!

To find out more about Harvard offering free tuition for families making
less than $60,000 a year, visit Harvard's financial aid website at: or call the school's financial
aid office at (617) 495-1581.

Please note that there are several other universities of this level that are also doing this.

Need any assistance, feel free to contact me at


Alabama Association of School Office Personnel Scholarship

This application is for the 2010-2011 School Year and is due by March 31, 2011.

Tasks to be completed before application can be processed:

1. Plans to enroll in College of Business or K-12 Education.
2. Complete all items on the application. If unknown or not applicable, indicate unknown or N/A.
3. Attach a recent photograph. (optional)
4. Attach a personal letter stating your financial need for the scholarship.
5. Attach a transcript of your school grades through the first semester of the current school year, with the grade point average listed. *Not necessary for AASOP members applying for the scholarship who are not currently enrolled in college.
6. Attach one letter from each of the three references listed on your application.


Click HERE for the application.

Let me know if you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to ask them.


Buick Achievers Scholarship Program


Applicants to the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program must:
  • Be high school seniors or high school graduates who are first-time college students in the fall of 2011
  • Plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited four-year college or university for the entire 2011-12 academic year
  • Plan to major in a course of study that focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math). Select Design, Marketing, Accounting, Finance and Business majors are also eligible. See the list of eligible majors. Scholarship recipients will demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the automotive or related industries using these areas of study.
  • Be U.S. citizens and have permanent residence in the United States
Excluded from consideration are employees and relatives of employees of Scholarship Management Services, Scholarship America and their affiliates and subcontractors, and GM Foundation Directors, Officers, and staff and their relatives. Relatives of General Motors employees are eligible.

Award Criteria

Scholarship recipients are selected based on the following factors:
  • Academic achievement,
  • Financial need,
  • Participation and leadership in community and school activities, work experience, educational and career goals, and unusual circumstances, and
  • Please note special consideration will be given to the following applicants: first-generation college, female, minority, military veteran or a dependent of military personnel.
The majority of the scholarships will be awarded to students majoring in STEM fields, with a heavy emphasis on Engineering majors.
Selection of recipients is made by Scholarship Management Services. All scholarship recipients may be subject to a criminal background check. Recipients of a Buick Achievers Scholarship shall not commit any act that indicates dishonesty or moral turpitude or that otherwise could materially injure the General Motors Foundation, Buick or General Motors Company's reputation. If such an act is committed by a Buick Achievers Scholarship Program recipient, the Buick Achievers Scholarship award shall immediately be revoked. In no instance will any Director or Officer of the General Motors Foundation or any employee of General Motors play a part in the selection. All applicants agree to accept the decision as final.

Award Amounts

Recipients will be awarded one scholarship at either of the two award levels:
  • 1,000 Buick Achievers Scholarships of $2,000, available for four years and one additional year for those entering a five-year engineering program.
  • 100 Buick Achievers National Scholarships of up to $25,000 per year, available for four years, and one additional year for those entering a five-year engineering program. The scholarships can be used toward the total cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies, required equipment, room and board and other allowable expenses, less other gift aid known at the time of application (scholarships, grants and other awards that do not have to be paid back).
Awards are renewable for the given years noted above or until a bachelor's degree is earned, whichever occurs first. Renewal is contingent upon satisfactory academic performance, full-time enrollment and continuing to major in an eligible field of study.

Awards are for undergraduate study only.

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions. All other questions should be directed to Scholarship Management Services.

For the most efficient service, submit a question or report a problem by using the Help link on the Scholarship Links menu. Or you may email or call 1-800-537-4180.


To apply to The Buick Achievers Scholarship Program, you must first register as an applicant on this website. Activate your account by accessing your email. You may then complete the application by providing information about yourself and your academic and community achievements.

The application must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. CT, March 31, 2011

Good luck in the competition!

Let me know if you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to ask them.


Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship

Scholarship Award
Through its Education and Leadership Development Program, the Jackie Robinson Foundation provides scholarships of up to $7,500 annually to minority high school students showing leadership potential and demonstrating financial need to attend an accredited 4-year college or university of their choice. 

To be eligible for a Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship, an applicant must:

  • Be a graduating, minority high school senior;
  • Plan to attend an accredited and approved four–year institution within the United States;
  • Show leadership potential;
  • Demonstrate a dedication to community service;
  • Present evidence of financial need;
  • Be a United States citizen;
  • A minimum SAT score of 1,000 combined on the math and critical reading sections or a composite ACT score of 21; and
  • Not possess a degree from a 2 or 4–year College when applying for the scholarship.
Application Components
The required components of the Jackie Robinson Foundation application are:

  • A completed and submitted online application;
  • One (1) letter of recommendation;
  • SAT or ACT scores sent to the Foundation directly from the testing agencies. The Foundation’s college codes are: SAT 4248/ACT: 6570.
Mailing Materials
None of the supplemental components; recommendation nor SAT/ACT scores, to the Jackie Robinson Foundation application require the submission of hard copies. However, should an applicant have issues with listing the Foundation as a recipient of SAT or Act scores, then the applicant is permitted to mail hard copies of their SAT/ACT score report to the Foundation at: 

Jackie Robinson Foundation
Attn: Scholarship Application Process
75 Varick Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10013-1917 

Instructions for the Application's Essay Section
You may wish to type and save your written responses to the required questions in a word processing program (e.g. Microsoft Word) and then copy them into this form. This will allow you to utilize its spelling and editing features while drafting your responses. Remember, using infosnap allows you the opportunity to complete the application in several phases before submitting it online. Special fonts or formatting (bullets, highlights, etc.) will not be transferred into the application form. In order to distinguish between paragraphs, use the "Enter" (or "Return") key. 

For each essay question, you will have a total of 500 words (2500 characters) to respond. 

Final Submission of Application
Be sure to click the "to Submit >" and "SUBMIT" buttons after completing the application. The Jackie Robinson Foundation will not receive your application information until the form has been submitted. Once the form is electronically submitted, you will receive an email confirmation from Infosnap. Note: The Jackie Robinson Foundation will receive the information exactly as it is provided. Please be aware of all spelling and capitalization. 

Application Timeline
October 15, 2010 – JRF Scholarship Application is available online
March 15, 2011 – 11:59 PM EST – Deadline for submission of all application and all components
June 1, 2011 – All applicants will be notified of their status by this date.  

Click HERE to apply.

Let me know if you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to ask them.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Executive Women International Scholarship Program

The EWI Scholarship Program (EWISP) is an annual, competition-based program which awards more than $200,000 in college scholarship money to qualifying high school juniors each year.

EWISP has been recognized by Money Magazine as one of the top 12 scholarships in the United States.  Students are nominated by their schools to participate in the scholarship competition.  Judges select winning students based on their scholastic achievement, leadership qualities, good citizenship and extra-curricular activities. 

High school students first apply for EWISP and then compete at the local Chapter level where award levels vary. Chapter-level winners are submitted to the National level for a chance to win one of six scholarships. National scholarship awards range between $2,000 and $10,000.

A student may apply for an Executive Women International Scholarship Program award if he/she is:
• Private or parochial school* located within the geographical boundaries of a participating EWI Chapter
Current, full-time secondary school 11th grade student/junior or comparable level student enrolled in a public,

Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited post-secondary institutionAnticipating graduation from high school in the spring of the following year
Click HERE for a nationwide list of participating chapters.

Click HERE for the application.

For questions on submitting application,
please contact EWI Corporate Office
at 801.355.2800 or

*NOTE: Only one student per school is eligible to enter* 
So it may be in your best interest to go talk to your school's guidance counselor to see what you need to do to become the student the school submits.
Let me know if you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to ask them.