Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BISA Scholarship

For the past 29 years, Black Women In Sisterhood For Action, Inc. has been operating a successful scholarship program targeted for inner-city and financially needy young black high school women to attend colleges and universities across America. First criterion for selection is financial need, second, they demonstrate potential for academic growth and leadership and third, they are able to provide some clues about their career goals. BISA's scholarship assistance program is clearly targeted for disenfranchised and economically disadvantaged young black women, beginning in the year they graduate from high school and continuing for 2 to 4 years of undergraduate education.

BISA's supportive services (hands-on-approach) are provided for each student over the entire two or four years of undergraduate study. These services include: financial support, books, transportation, tutoring, mentoring, counseling (students and parents), networking among distinguished black women, on-site-visits, BISA's books and calendars of distinguished black women, and monthly contacts by assigned BISA member. Each student is provided a 1-800 number for easy access to BISA on a 24-hour basis.

Deadline: March 31, 2011

Click here for the scholarship application.

Click here for the application instructions. 

Criteria: Academic Achievement, Leadership Potential, Financial Need, Honors, and
Potential for Academic Growth and Leadership Development

Document to be submitted:
(1) Transcript
(2) SAT or ACT Scores
(3) Parent's Income Tax Submission to IRS (with W-2 Statement), and Financial Aid Award Letter
(4) Written Self-Portrait: Two typed double spaced pages or one single spaced page -- highlighting where you expect to be in your career development in 10 years from now. (Please tell us who you are, including your family).


Contact The Guide if you need help with anything.

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