Thursday, April 14, 2011

UAB Summer Bridge Program for Business Students

The Summer Bridge Program for Business Students is a seven-week rewarding academic opportunity for minority high school seniors who will be graduating, have been admitted to and are planning to attend UAB, and will major in business. Selection for this program is competitive.

Program Details
Selected program participants are required to enroll in three credit courses at UAB - one English course, one Mathematics course, and one Physical Science course – all of which count toward their bachelor’s degree in business at UAB. These students receive tuition for the term, free textbooks, a meal allowance and a free room in a UAB residence hall. * Please note that all students are required to live in the residence hall to participate. Additionally, students receive a $700 stipend for successful program participation, with an opportunity to receive an additional academic achievement stipend of up to $900, based on academic performance during the program.
Additionally, students will participate in: tutoring sessions; career counseling; seminars; PowerPoint and competitive poster preparation; mentoring support, competitive business training and social activities to promote networking. Each student works on a business - related concept project during the program. A concluding conference highlights the accomplishments of the Bridge students and participants receive certificates of participation and awards for outstanding projects.

To be eligible a student must:
1) Be a 2011 high school graduate with no previous college attendance;
2) Be admitted to UAB;
3) Plan to major in business at UAB;
4) Have a competitive ACT score and cumulative GPA, and
5) Submit a complete 2011 Business Summer Bridge Program Application
postmarked on or before the deadline date of Thursday, April 25, 2011.

Click HERE to apply.

Please mail completed applications to:
Dr. Louis Dale
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
401 Campbell Hall
1530 3RD Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294-1170

Applications must be received on or before April 25, 2011. Successful applicants will be notified by US Mail on or before May 9, 2011.

For Questions - Contact the Office for Equity and Diversity at UAB – (205) 934-8762
or the UAB School of Business – (205) 934-2453

 You can also contact The Guide for more information or for any questions.

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