Friday, October 22, 2010

Linly Heflin Scholarship


ELIGIBILITY AND QUALIFICATIONS:1. Scholarships are restricted to Alabama women who are U.S. citizens.
2. Scholarship recipients must attend a four year Alabama college accredited
by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Recipients may
have transferred from a Junior College to a four year college to complete
degree requirements.
3. Minimum ACT score of 23.
4. Demonstrated financial need and academic proficiency
5. An applicant may be single or married. If an applicant marries after being
granted a scholarship, her need for continued scholarship will be reviewed
by the committee.

OBLIGATIONS:Each woman receiving a scholarship must comply with the following:
1. Must be a full time student enrolled in an average course load
2. Maintain at least a 2.5/4 grade point average
3. Send a copy of her transcript in January and June each year to the Linly
Heflin Office in Birmingham, or to the email address Recipients are asked to sign a release
form in their college Registrar’s Office so the committee will receive reports
on their academic performance.
4. In January of each year, return the Linly Heflin update form with current
home address, phone numbers, current school address, email address,
major and graduation date.
5. Notify Linly Heflin of any change in college choice or status including a
transfer or significant change or decrease in course load.
6. Withdrawal should be reported immediately to the Scholarship

SCHOLARSHIP FUNDSScholarship funds may be used for tuition, books, fees, or college—sponsored
room and board only. Scholarships are $3,000 per year. The money is sent
directly to the school in August.

SCHOLARSHIP RENEWALScholarships are generally renewed until a woman graduates. Exceptions are:
1. If she no longer has need
2. If she does not comply with the Scholarship Committee policies
3. If she is not a full time student carrying an average class load

Applications may be downloaded at

Need more assistance, please contact or call the toll-free hotline at 1.877.515.GUIDE


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