Friday, October 22, 2010

Ayn Rand Essay Contests

Ayn Rand Essay Contests

The Ayn Rand Institute, founded on the works of the author and philosopher, supports a
number of essay contests that benefit high school sophomores and juniors. The "Anthem"
essay contest is open to eighth-graders and high school freshmen and sophomores.
Entrants read Rand's "Anthem" and respond to one of three topics regarding the
philosophical statements made in the novel. First prize for the contest receives $2,000.
Five second-place winners receive $500 each, 10 third-place winners each receive $200,
45 finalists receive $50 each, and 175 semifinalists receive $30 each.

The second essay contest, based on Rand's "The Fountainhead," is open to high school
juniors and seniors. Like the previous contest, students are expected to read the work and
respond to one of three topic choices. First prize for the contest receives $10,000. Five
second-place winners receive $2,000 each, 10 third-place winners each receive $1,000,
45 finalists receive $100 each, and 175 semifinalists receive $50 each.

In both essays judges look for clear and articulate writing, organization and thoughtful
content. Any works of plagiarism will be immediately disqualified.

The Ayn Rand Institute
P.O. Box 57044
Irvine, CA 92619-7044
949-222-6550 ext. 247

Need help, contact


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