Thursday, March 24, 2011

Birmingham Airport Authority

The Birmingham Airport Authority (BAA) invites students, age 16-18 who are residents of airport area communities and attendees of either Huffman or Woodlawn High Schools in Birmingham, Alabama to apply.

The four week work program includes hands on workplace experience and professional development. The ideal candidate should have a “B” average, regular attendance, and no disciplinary records at school.

Summer workers are required to wear a designated uniform, which consists of a t-shirt and hat provided by the BAA, blue jeans or khakis. A work boot is preferred, but tennis shoes are allowed. Open toed and open backed shoes are not allowed such as sandals, flip flops, mules, slides, etc.


The hourly pay is $8.50.

Dates of Work Program:
·  Session I June 6, 2011  thru  July 1, 2011
·  Session II July 5, 2011  thru  July 29, 2011

Deadline to apply is March 25, 2011

Individuals may apply online at:

Contact The Guide for more information.

The 2011 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major for Justice

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major for Justice Advocacy Competition is a contest designed to motivate high school students to excel in education. The Competition encourages students to express their views on a pre-selected topic and focuses on the ability of the students to communicate orally and in writing. The contest is also designed to give young people experience in public speaking and provides an opportunity for them to obtain some financial support to continue their education.

2011 MLK Competition Question
On March 1, 2010, President Barack Obama challenged States to identify high schools with critically low graduation rates below 60% and implement programs to increase the rate. This is an imperative call to action. We must address this problem.

"The Administration has committed $3.5 billion to fund transformational changes in America’s persistently low-performing schools. Additionally, the President’s 2011 budget includes $900 million to support School Turnaround Grants. President Obama also emphasized the importance of investing in dropout prevention and recovery strategies to help make learning more engaging and relevant for students, and announced new efforts to invest $100 million in a College Pathways program to promote a college readiness culture in high schools, through programs that allow students to earn a high school diploma and college credit at the same time." Source: White House Website (

If Dr. King were alive today, what specific NEW solution(s) and NEW program(s) would he recommend that YOUR state implement and the Obama Administration fund? Specifically explain why the proposed new solutions and programs should be adopted?

A. Essay Format:
1. The essay should be no longer than 1,000 words.
2. The type font must be Arial, 12 point, double-spaced.
3. The margins shall be 1” and text shall be fully justified.
4. The essay may be submitted via e-mail or U.S. mail, but e-mail is preferred.
a. If submitted via e-mail, the Contestant must send the essay as an attachment to an e-mail in Word format and send to the Regional Director for your region, or the e-mail address indicated by the Regional Director. E-mail addresses are also available on the NBA website.
b. If submitted by mail, the essay must be typewritten and mailed to the Regional Director for your region, or to the address indicated by the Regional Director. Mailing addresses can be found at

Alabama, Florida & Georgia
L. Chris Stewart
191 Peachtree Street, Suite 4200
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 965-8827 (O)
Essay Deadline: April 23, 2011
Regional Competition: May 28, 2011

Visit the website at for more information.

Visit the following link for additional rules and regulations:

Feel free to contact The Guide to Scholarships if you need any assistance.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Angela Murphy Scholarship

The Black Women in Sport Foundation is currently offering 1 annual scholarship to current high school seniors planning to enroll in a matriculating college/university program.

The Angela Murphy Scholarship - $500. This scholarship is given to a graduating high school senior that is enrolled in a matriculated college program.  She must have participated in her high school athletic program and been involved in community service.

To apply, please email a cover letter, resume, and transcripts to, or mail to
PO Box 2610
Philadelphia, PA 19130

Contact The Guide to Scholarships for help today.

BISA Scholarship

For the past 29 years, Black Women In Sisterhood For Action, Inc. has been operating a successful scholarship program targeted for inner-city and financially needy young black high school women to attend colleges and universities across America. First criterion for selection is financial need, second, they demonstrate potential for academic growth and leadership and third, they are able to provide some clues about their career goals. BISA's scholarship assistance program is clearly targeted for disenfranchised and economically disadvantaged young black women, beginning in the year they graduate from high school and continuing for 2 to 4 years of undergraduate education.

BISA's supportive services (hands-on-approach) are provided for each student over the entire two or four years of undergraduate study. These services include: financial support, books, transportation, tutoring, mentoring, counseling (students and parents), networking among distinguished black women, on-site-visits, BISA's books and calendars of distinguished black women, and monthly contacts by assigned BISA member. Each student is provided a 1-800 number for easy access to BISA on a 24-hour basis.

Deadline: March 31, 2011

Click here for the scholarship application.

Click here for the application instructions. 

Criteria: Academic Achievement, Leadership Potential, Financial Need, Honors, and
Potential for Academic Growth and Leadership Development

Document to be submitted:
(1) Transcript
(2) SAT or ACT Scores
(3) Parent's Income Tax Submission to IRS (with W-2 Statement), and Financial Aid Award Letter
(4) Written Self-Portrait: Two typed double spaced pages or one single spaced page -- highlighting where you expect to be in your career development in 10 years from now. (Please tell us who you are, including your family).


Contact The Guide if you need help with anything.

John M. Will and Hearin Chandler Journalism Scholarships

The John M. Will Memorial Scholarship Foundation will award two or more college scholarships, the John M. Will Memorial Scholarship(s) and the Hearing Chandler Journalism Scholarship.  The recipients will be announced on April 18, 2011 for the 2011-2012 academic school year. One scholarship of $5,000 and one or more scholarships of up to $4,000 will be given in memory of John M. Will, an education reporter for the Mobile Press Register, and a $5,000 scholarship will be given by the Hearin-Chandler Foundation, a charitable foundation with deep roots in Mobile Journalism. Please note that the scholarship will only be awarded to a student perusing a career in Journalism.

Applications are invited from high school seniors and college students who have evidenced a interest in perusing a career in journalism.  Applications are also invited from those already employed in the journalism field who wish to further their journalistic education through graduate study of extended courses of instruction.

Completed applications with supporting documents (transcript and letter of recommendation, and writing or photographic samples) must be postmarked before on or before Friday, March 25, 2011, and send to Brandon Hughey at Post Office Box 290, Mobile, AL 36601. Persons who submit an application will be considered for all schoarlaships to be awarded.
Applicants who are selected as finalists will be notified on April 8, 2011 and should be prepared to attend an interview with the committee on April 18, 2011.

Click here for a copy of the application and further instructions.

Have questions? Need assistance? Contact The Guide to Scholarships today.

Stonewall Jackson Memorial Fund Repayable Scholarship Program

The Stonewall Jackson Memorial Fund was established in 1955 by an act of the Alabama Legislature to “...memorialize that great American and Confederate general, ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, through a program of education...” consisting of essay contests and repayable scholarships. The fund is used to award several repayable scholarships each year. The scholarship functions as a repayable no-interest loan which must be repaid after graduation from college. One year after graduation recipients will be contacted to repay the scholarship amount under a scheduled repayment system set up by the individual.

In order to qualify applicants must submit an essay of 1,500 - 2,500 words on a topic or issue that relates to the life of Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson. A bibliography of sources must accompany the essay, but is not to be included in determining the length of the essay Applicants must also submit an application form with necessary personal information.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Annie J. Benifield-Jimmie L. Elliott Scholarship Fund

The Annie J. Benifield-Jimmie L. Elliott Scholarship Fund, administered through New
Community Baptist Church, will award four (4) $500 scholarships to high school
seniors who demonstrate leadership in community, and school activities.

You may apply if you will be pursuing an undergraduate course of study at an
accredited university or college.

The requirements are:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Math and Science Scholarships

ExxonMobil and Dr. Bernard Harris strongly believe that education is key to progress, development and economic growth in our country. Together, they have developed a partnership to increase awareness about the need for more math and science graduates, especially among underrepresented populations. This scholarship is their latest effort to support students who plan to pursue math‐ and science‐related degrees.

Four scholarships for two boys and two girls, with a value of $5,000 each, will be awarded to two African American and two Hispanic students currently completing their senior year of high school in a member district of the Council of the Great City Schools (see list of member districts on attachment). Applicants must be accepted for full‐time enrollment at a four‐ year college or university in the next academic year, and pursuing a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Phi Iota Omega Chapter Scholarship

The Phi Iota Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is awarding $6,000 in scholarships to deserving Birmingham metropolitan area students.  

The scholarships are awarded in four $1,000 Merit Academic scholarships and four $500 Community Service scholarships to college bound seniors. 

Their goal is to award scholarships on academic merit and community service to those students who have earned the best academic credentials and provided outstanding service to the community.