Thursday, September 9, 2010

**Welcome to Fran's Guide to Scholarships**

Hi world,

My name is Temani Frances Beck. I am currently a junior at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I am a 2008 graduate of Ramsay High School. In high school, I was simply put, a bit of a nerd, but more importantly like many of you, I was determined to get to college. I carried around this huge 3" binder everywhere I went and I mean each and everyday. Well, I have finally decided to turn the information listed throughout the binder into a website. I am uber excited about this venture and you should be too. After high school and with the help of my handy dandy binder, I managed to accumulate over $1 million in scholarship offers and awards.

Just to give you a bit of a snippet of what qualifies me to run this site, so to speak (lol), I am a:
*Gates Millennium Scholar
*Horatio Alger National Scholar
*General Motor National Scholar
*National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. Scholar
*Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Scholar 

With that being said, my plan is to keep everyone who is interested updated on current scholarships that are available, the actual scholarship process, and other need to know information. Come visit and come visit often if you are serious about garnering scholarship funds. I can seriously help you.

If by any chance you still do not believe me take a look at this video:

And if you enjoyed the video clip, go read the article too:

If you have any questions or concerns or if you just simply need advice or assistance on something that I have yet to mention on The Guide, please do not hesitate to contact me. 
I can be reached via email at:
I am also listed on twitter: @Fran_Jan32
And of course you can find me on Facebook: Tem Frances

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