Tuesday, September 28, 2010

*Coco-Cola Scholars Foundation - 09.28.2010*

*Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation

Applicants are evaluated on: 
-Demonstrated leadership
-Commitment to community
-Academic achievement

MUST APPLY ONLINE at www.coca-colascholars.org
The application is open between August 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010

1.  250 four-year achievement-based scholarships given each year.
2.  Approximately 2, 200 applicants are selected as Semifinalists in mid-November and notified by mail and email.  Semifinalists must then complete a secondary application, including essays, official transcripts, and two letters of recommendation.  Semifinalists applications are due by mid-January.  The Program Review Committee will select 250 Finalists to advance to the final interview phase.  Notifications are sent mid-February.
3.  In April, the 250 Finalists are invited to Atlanta for personal interviews.  The Finalists are interviewed by a National Selection Committee representing outstanding leaders in business, government, education and the arts.  50 students are then designated as National Scholars and receive awards of $20,000 for college; 200 students are designated as Regional Scholars and receive awards of $10,000 for college. 


APPLICANTS MAY NOT:  be children or grandchildren of employees, officers or owners of Coca−Cola bottling companies, The Coca−Cola Company, Company divisions or subsidiaries.

Hope this helps.


Let me know if you have any questions or if you are in need of any assistance.

 • CURRENT high school (or home-schooled) seniors attending school in the United States (or select DoD schools);• U.S. Citizens; U.S. Nationals; U.S. Permanent Residents; Temporary Residents (in a legalization program); Refugees; Asylees; Cuban-Haitian Entrants; or Humanitarian Parolees;• anticipating completion of high school diploma at the time of application;• planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution;• carrying a minimum 3.00 GPA at the end of their junior year of high school.

*QuestBridge National College Match - 09.28.2010*

Just a reminder!!!!

*QuestBridge National College Match 

The National College Match connects high-achieving low-income students with admission and full scholarships to 29 partner colleges.
Applications Due September 30, 2010
Go to www.questbridge.org for more information.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you are in need of any assistance.

*Gates Millennium Scholars Program - 09.28.2010*

*Gates Millennium Scholars Program
Requirements include:

-Must be African Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Asian Pacific Islander Americans or Hispanic Americans
-Must be a U.S. Citizen
-Must have at least a 3.3 gpa (unweighted) 
-This must be your 1st time as a full time college student in 2010-2011
-You must demonstrate leadership abilities through participation in community service, extra-curricular, and other activities
-You must meet Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria
-If you do not have access to a computer and meet the requirements, please check out your local public or school library.

Please note, depending on the major you select, this scholarship could potentially pay until you receive your PhD. Just a bit of information that I thought you would find interesting.   


Let me know if you have any questions or if you are in need of any assistance.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

*New Scholarship - 09.18.2010*

Ron Brown Scholar Program 

Each year, ten to twenty students will be designated Ron Brown Scholars and will receive $10,000 annually for four years, for a total of $40,000. The recipients may use the renewable scholarships to attend an accredited four-year college or university of their choice within the United States. Ron Brown Scholarships are not limited to any specific field or career objective and may be used to pursue any academic discipline. More than 250 students have been designated as Ron Brown Scholars since the inception of the Program.

**Seeking Black or African American seniors that will make significant contributions to society, have excelled academically, shown exceptional leadership potential, and made an impact on communities through service to others. 

The Ron Brown Scholar Program currently has two deadlines for applications (students must be current high school seniors at the time of their application): 

November 1st - application will be considered for the Ron Brown Scholar Program AND forwarded to a select and limited number of additional scholarship providers. 

January 9th - final postmarked deadline in order to be considered for only the Ron Brown Scholar Program ONLY. 

Application materials must be mailed in one packet. Transcripts and letters of recommendation should not be sent under separate cover. Incomplete, e-mailed or faxed applications will not be considered.
Due to the volume of applications received, the Ron Brown Scholar Program can only notify semi-finalists and finalists of their status in the competition. This notification will be made in February and March. Winners of the scholarship will be notified by April 1st and names will be posted on the Ron Brown Scholar Program web site in late April/early May.

To obtain the application, click here

Need help with any part of the application, contact TemFrances@guidetoscholarships.org


*College Cheat Sheet*


Want the College Cheat Sheet with all of the need to know deadlines and lots of other useful information all in one place for the Class of 2011?????

Hot stuff!!! Great information.


Need a pre-filled calendar to help keep you organized.
Simply email,

TemFrances@guidetoscholarships.org  and I'll send it right over to you.


*New Scholarships - 09.18.2010*

AES ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIP                       
One $500 scholarship to a graduating senior whose essay is chosen the winner.  No prior engineering courses are required, and no minimum GPA or test score.  
For guidelines and essay topics go to http://www.aesengineers.com/scholarships.htm 

Deadline for entry to AES:  October 8, 2010


The Department of Chemical Engineering is awarding $1,000 renewable scholarships to 25 graduating seniors who plan to attend Auburn University.  Applicants must specify Pre-Chemical Engineering as the major on their AU application to be eligible for that department’s scholarships.  
Applications can be found here.
Deadline to AU Department of Chemical Engineering:  January 15, 2011.


500 four-year awards available at the local, state, and national level to graduating seniors who will be judged based on leadership, financial need, service, and  scholarship.  

Applications and complete guidelines are available online at www.elks.org/enf/scholars.

Deadline to apply: December 1, 2010.


250 $4,000 awards to the children and grandchildren of dues-paying Elks members.  Applicants must be graduating seniors, who are going on to college, and who exhibit knowledge, charity, community, and integrity.  

Applications and guidelines available online at www.elks.org/enf/scholars.  

Deadline to apply:  February 1, 2011.


This scholarship program is for beginning freshmen who would like to work in the Co-op system after graduation.  The scholarships will pay full tuition and fees, with an approximate value of $20,000 per student over the four-year period.  

To be eligible for consideration for the scholarships, the following criteria must be met:  

1)  Applicants must obtain an acceptance letter from the Auburn University Admissions Office or show proof of enrollment.  
2)  Applicants must intend to enter in the College of Agriculture as an Agriculture Economics major or another degree within the College of Agriculture with approved business course options.  
3)  Incoming freshmen applicants must be nominated by a local cooperative in the Alabama Farmers Cooperative system.  

Additional criteria can be found at http://alafarmnews.com/scholarships.htm.   

Deadlines vary from May to June.

Need any more assistance, contact TemFrances@guidetoscholarships.org


*New Scholarship - 09.17.2010*

PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY AWARD                                                                    

$1,000 awards available with a possibility to earn a $5,000 award to students who have made a difference through volunteering over the past year.  This award is available to middle and high school students at the local, state, and national level. 

To apply visit http://spirit.prudential.com or www.principals.org/spirit and click on the “Apply Now” link and follow the onscreen instructions.  After following all application instructions, the complete application process must be submitted and received by the International Scholarship and Tuition Services by November 1, 2010.

Need any additional information or assistance?

Contact TemFrances@guidetoscholarships.org


Friday, September 17, 2010

*New Scholarship - 09.17.2010*

Jefferson County Junior Miss Program 

Junior Miss contestants come from all walks of life, but they have one common characteristic: the desire to succeed. Each young woman receives valuable life experience through our program - relationship skills, self-confidence, and a sense of achievement. It is our goal to ensure that everyone who participates in our program has an enjoyable and memorable experience.
More than $11,000 awarded in the last Jr. Miss program. Young women who will graduate with the class of 2012 and who are residents of Jefferson County and US citizen are invited to participate. 

Judging is based on the following: scholastic (20%), interview (25%), fitness (15%), talent (25%), and self expression (15%). 

For more information visit www.ajm.org and click "join us" to complete the brief information form.

Need any assistance, contact me at TemFrances@guidetoscholarships.org

*New Scholarship- 09.17.2010*

Wendy's High School Heisman

Who is Eligible?
Eligibility for application is limited exclusively to men and women entering their senior year of high school in the 2010-2011 academic year who have at least a "B" grade average and participate in at least one of the 27 sports officially sanctioned by the National Federation of State High Schools. We want to hear from all student-athletes who work hard, are dedicated, and have become role models for your school's underclassmen. Students are judged based on their academic achievements, community service involvement, and athletic accomplishments.

-How do they apply and what's the timing?
The online application must be completed by the student and reviewed by a high school official no later than 5:00pm (Central time) on October 3, 2010. Each student applicant must have their online application reviewed and confirmed by a school representative. The reviewer must submit by 5:00pm (Central time) on October 5, 2010. Thus, the students must complete their application early to allow time for school personnel to review and confirm the accuracy of the data provided.

-Heisman regions:
Nominees for the 12 National Finalists of the WHSH Program are grouped according to the same geographical regions used in the College Heisman Memorial Trophy judging:

* Far West: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming
* Southwest: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas
* Midwest: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin
* Northeast: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont
* Mid-Atlantic: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia
* South: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee

-The Judging Process
All student applications must have their online application reviewed and confirmed by a school representative. The student must submit their information online by 5:00pm Central time, October 3. Reviewers must submit their review no later than 5:00pm Central time, October 5, in order for applications to be considered. Completed applications are then reviewed by ACT, Inc. From the completed applications, 1 Male and 1 Female Winner will be chosen from each high school. From the School Winners, the field is narrowed to 1,020 State Finalists – 10 male and 10 female nominees per state, including the District of Columbia – and the Finalists are announced in October.

In November, the field narrows to 102 State Winners – one male and 1 female from each state including the District of Columbia. In mid-November, a judging panel selects 12 National Finalists – 1 male and 1 female from each of six geographic regions. These students are invited to the Wendy’s High School Heisman National Awards Banquet on December 10, 2010, in New York City. They also will attend all Heisman Memorial Trophy Weekend festivities.

Two National Award Winners, 1 male and 1 female, are selected from the 12 National Finalists, and are honored during ESPN’s national telecast of the college Heisman Memorial Trophy presentation .

-How Are They Judged?
Wendy's High School Heisman Program nominees are judged in three areas: academics, community/school involvement and athletics. ACT, Inc. reviews all materials and scores the nominees based on the program criteria. The raw scores then dictate who proceeds to the next level of recognition. Once nominees reach the State Winner level, a distinguished panel of judges review nomination forms and vote on the students who will then reach the National Finalist and National Winner levels.

-Program Judges
Representatives from the worlds of education, business and sports, along with former college Heisman Memorial Trophy Award Winners and Wendy's High School Heisman recipients judge the entries and, ultimately, select the 12 National Finalists and two program winners.

For more information on eligible sports contact http://www.wendysheisman.com/

For any help or assistance, contact TemFrances@guidetoscholarships.org


*ACT Prep Opportunity- 09.17.2010*

Omicron Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated

The Education Foundation of Omicron Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated has initiated a Scholar and Leadership Development Academy. The ACT Preparation Institute for the ACT will take place on the following dates, November 6 & 20 (two Saturdays). These two sessions will serve as both review and preparation for the December 11, 2010 ACT Exam.

The young people who are selected will be required to attend both sessions of the preparation class. A stipend to cover the cost of the ACT Exam, will be provided to each student who completes the program.

---> If you are interested and can fulfill the following requirements then, complete the application and attach all items listed below.

1. Letter of recommendation from a Teacher or Pastor.
2. Letter of recommendation from a member or friend of the Fraternity.
3. A copy of your transcript, a G.P.A of 2.0 required (2.5 or higher preferred).

The deadline for application submission is October 15, 2010.  Completed applications may be mailed or delivered to the following address:

Preparatory Institute for the ACT
C/o The Parthenon
2210 1st Avenue North
Birmingham, AL 35203

For more information or to get the application, please contact:


*Tuskegee Open House- 09.17.2010*


The Birmingham Area Tuskegee Alumni Association (BATAA) will escort students and parents to Tuskegee University’s Fall Open House scheduled for Saturday, October 30, 2010. All high school students are invited to attend. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet faculty, staff, and students and experience first hand what the University has to offer. We encourage parents to accompany their student(s).

Depart at 6:00 a.m. from Sixth Avenue Baptist Church. Saturday, October 30
Return to Sixth Avenue Baptist Church at 6 p.m.Saturday, October 30

Each person (students and adults) are required to pay a $25.00 transportation-registration fee. This covers: $15.00 for transportation sponsored by the Birmingham Area Tuskegee Alumni Association (BATAA) and $10.00* to cover the cost of Tuskegee University’s registration (including lunch and football game) for the event. Make a check or money order payable to Birmingham Area Tuskegee Alumni Association (BATAA). Seats and registration are not guaranteed if form is mailed without payment.

Note: Transportation-Registration fees are refundable if cancellation occurs before Tuesday, October 12, 2010.

Send to:
Birmingham Area Tuskegee Alumni Association
Attn: Open House Committee
Post Office Box 110671
Birmingham, Alabama 35211

Please return the permission form and transportation-registration fee soon as possible. All forms and fees must be received no later than Friday, October 9, 2010.

For more information or for a copy of the registration form, please contact:

*Miles College- 09.17.2010*

Minutes Away, Miles Ahead!


P.O. BOX 39800 
(205)929-4656 office
(205)929~4627 fax




SEPTEMBER 25, 2010

*Spelman College- 09.17.2010*

Spelman College
Office of Admissions

You are cordially invited…

Spelman College Area Reception

**Huntsville, AL Area Reception
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Time: 10:00AM— 12:00PM
The Hilton Garden Inn Huntsville/Space Center
Saturn Room
4801 Governors House Dr.
Huntsville, AL 35805
For directions,please call (256) 430-1778

**Birmingham, AL Area Reception
Tuesday, September 21,2010
Time: 7:OOPM-9:OOPM
The Hilton Garden Inn Lakeshore Birmingham
Grand Ballroom
520 Wildwood Circle Dr. North
Homewood, AL 35209
For directions, please call (205) 314-0274

**Mobile, AL Area Reception
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Time: 7:OOPM-9:OOPM
The Hilton Garden Inn Mobile East Bay/Daphne
Magnolia Room
29546 North Main St.
Daphne, AL 36526
For directions, please call (251) 625-0020

You will have the opportunity to talk with an admissions representative about
application requirements, financial aid, scholarships, and student life.

Please RSVP for yourself and up to 3 guests at www.spelman.edu/admrsvp.

We look forward to seeing you there!

For additional information, contact the Spelman Office of Admissions:
1.800.982.2411 (toll-free)
404.270.5193 (direct)

*An outstanding historically black college for women, Spelman promotes academic
excellence in the liberal ads, and develops the intellectual, ethical, and leadership
potential of its students. Spelman seeks to empower the total person who appreciates
the many cultures of the world and commits to positive social change.*

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

*New Opportunity - 09.14.10*

ACE Mentoring Program of Alabama 

Apply online at www.acementor.org/page.php?id=926

Available to any high school student (9th-12th Grade) with an interest in the Architecture, Engineering, or Construction Industries. 


Program officially starts on October 2010. 

Contact temfrances@guidetoscholarships.org for more information.  



Monday, September 13, 2010

*New Scholarship- 09.13.2010*

Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service Department
The 2010 Mr. & Miss Fire Prevention Contest

The purpose of this contest is to select a high school senior as spokesperson for
Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service (BFRS). As a winner, you will receive a scholarship from the Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service to the College of your choice.

*Must be single
*Must be between sixteen (16) and eighteen (18) years of age.
*Must have 2.5 GPA or higher
*Each contestant will be interviewed by a panel of judges in the preliminaries
and the same judges will officiate the finals.

Contestants will be judged on:
1. General Appearance
2. Poise and Personality
3. Speaking Ability
4. Fire Prevention Knowledge

To obtain the actual application or for more information, please contact temfrances@guidetoscholarships.org


Saturday, September 11, 2010

*New College Information- 09.09.10*

Mark Your Calendars!!!

•September 11, 2010
ACT- Various locations

•September 12, 2010
Washington & Lee (Virginia)
McWane Science Center- 3:00pm
Birmingham, Alabama
No reservations needed. Explore your options!

•September 15, 2010
University of Virginia
Hodges Room at the Botanical Gardens- 6:30pm
Birmingham, Alabama
No reservations needed. Explore your options!  

•September 19, 2010
College Fair
BJCC- 1:00pm-4:00 pm
Birmingham, Alabama

•September 20, 2010
Washington University (St. Louis)
Wynfrey Hotel- 7:00pm
Birmingham, Alabama

•September 23, 2010​
Yale Information Session
Alabama School of Fine Arts- 7:00pm
1800 8th Ave. North Birmingham, Alabama

•October 7, 2010
UA's E-Day

Check back soon for more information.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

**NEW SCHOLARSHIPS - 09.09.10**

*Gates Millennium Scholars Program
Requirements include:
-Must be African Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives, Asian Pacific Islander Americans or Hispanic Americans
-Must be a U.S. Citizen
-Must have at least a 3.3 gpa (unweighted) 
-This must be your 1st time as a full time college student in 2010-2011
-You must demonstrate leadership abilities through participation in community service, extra-curricular, and other activities
-You must meet Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria
-If you do not have access to a computer and meet the requirements, please check out your local public or school library.

Please note, depending on the major you select, this scholarship could potentially pay until you receive your PhD. Just a bit of information that I thought you would find interesting.   

*QuestBridge National College Match 
The National College Match connects high-achieving low-income students with admission and full scholarships to 29 partner colleges.
Applications Due September 30, 2010
Go to www.questbridge.org for more information.

*Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
Applicants are evaluated on: 
-Demonstrated leadership
-Commitment to community
-Academic achievement

MUST APPLY ONLINE at www.coca-colascholars.org
The application is open between August 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010

1.  250 four-year achievement-based scholarships given each year.
2.  Approximately 2, 200 applicants are selected as Semifinalists in mid-November and notified by mail and email.  Semifinalists must then complete a secondary application, including essays, official transcripts, and two letters of recommendation.  Semifinalist applications are due by mid-January.  The Program Review Committee will select 250 Finalists to advance to the final interview phase.  Notifications are sent mid-February.

3.  In April, the 250 Finalists are invited to Atlanta for personal interviews.  The Finalists are interviewed by a National Selection Committee representing outstanding leaders in business, government, education and the arts.  50 students are then designated as National Scholars and receive awards of $20,000 for college; 200 students are designated as Regional Scholars and receive awards of $10,000 for college. 



 CURRENT high school (or home-schooled) seniors attending school in the United States (or select DoD schools);• U.S. Citizens; U.S. Nationals; U.S. Permanent Residents; Temporary Residents (in a legalization program); Refugees; Asylees; Cuban-Haitian Entrants; or Humanitarian Parolees;• anticipating completion of high school diploma at the time of application;• planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution;• carrying a minimum 3.00 GPA at the end of their junior year of high school.
APPLICANTS MAY NOT:• be children or grandchildren of employees, officers or owners of Coca−Cola bottling companies, The Coca−Cola Company, Company divisions or subsidiaries.

Hope this helps.


Let me know if you have any questions or if you are in need of any assistance.

**Welcome to Fran's Guide to Scholarships**

Hi world,

My name is Temani Frances Beck. I am currently a junior at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I am a 2008 graduate of Ramsay High School. In high school, I was simply put, a bit of a nerd, but more importantly like many of you, I was determined to get to college. I carried around this huge 3" binder everywhere I went and I mean each and everyday. Well, I have finally decided to turn the information listed throughout the binder into a website. I am uber excited about this venture and you should be too. After high school and with the help of my handy dandy binder, I managed to accumulate over $1 million in scholarship offers and awards.

Just to give you a bit of a snippet of what qualifies me to run this site, so to speak (lol), I am a:
*Gates Millennium Scholar
*Horatio Alger National Scholar
*General Motor National Scholar
*National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. Scholar
*Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Scholar 

With that being said, my plan is to keep everyone who is interested updated on current scholarships that are available, the actual scholarship process, and other need to know information. Come visit and come visit often if you are serious about garnering scholarship funds. I can seriously help you.

If by any chance you still do not believe me take a look at this video:

And if you enjoyed the video clip, go read the article too:

If you have any questions or concerns or if you just simply need advice or assistance on something that I have yet to mention on The Guide, please do not hesitate to contact me. 
I can be reached via email at: temfrances@guidetoscholarships.org
I am also listed on twitter: @Fran_Jan32
And of course you can find me on Facebook: Tem Frances